Important B2B Buyer Stats
Here are some really insightful research-based B2B marketing stats from an excellent Growth Strategies 101 article by Emmanuel Soroba...
Problems with Google Analytics
Google Analytics is an excellent tool for B2Bs, but as with all analytics tools, the results don’t actually speak for themselves. Google...
Difference Between B2B and B2C Marketing
First of all, are you really sure you are a B2B? While all businesses that sell to other business rather than consumers are called B2Bs,...
Three Outdated Marketing Metrics: What to Track Instead.
The following is from an excellent Marketing Profs article by Carrie Straetz. While I don’t agree 100% with everything here, it’s a good...
The 4 Benefits of Well-Branded B2Bs
From the buyer's perspective, the brand is an insurance policy. A brand on a consumer product tells the buyer exactly what to expect –...
Successfully Avoid the Top 6 Reasons for Failure
Making small changes significantly reduces the odds of failing. Success expert John Maxwell says there are 6 basic reasons that people...
Getting Everyone On Board During a Period of Rapid Change
Most organizations are trying to take advantage of the opportunities for positive change in this REALLY unique business environment. It’s...
How to Create Good Email Subject Lines
Multiple studies have shown that the subject line is the most important factor in driving digital marketing results. You can spend hours...
The Importance of Branding Coherence
To develop a successful organization---there’s nothing more important than creating a foundation of excellence. This means knowing what...
What Buyers are Looking for in Websites
Not all B2B Buyers’ Surveys are created equal, but this one by Demand Gen/Demand Base on how buyers use your website is excellent. The...