How Executives Rate their Marketing Teams
There is an excellent article in Marketing Profs by Ayaz Nanji on the results of a recent CMO Council survey about how executives rate...
How to Select Clients that are a Good Fit
One of the keys to long lasting client relationships is selecting clients that are a good fit in the first place. The following...
Brand Building Essentials for Tech Companies
From the buyer’s perspective, the brand is both a shortcut and an insurance policy. It assures them that they can expect certain...
How to Predict a Technology Trend: 5 Simple Considerations
Since we serve the technology industry, the ability to predict trends and differentiate between a craze and a trend with some accuracy is...
LinkedIn Posts for B2Bs that Engage Readers
A recent LinkedIn study of 39,465 business posts revealed the following: · The average engagement rate per post on LinkedIn is 0.35%. ·...
SEO Statistics You Need to Know
The following is from an excellent article on 2021 SEO statistics by Chintan Zalani at Elite Content Marketer. The full article and an...
How to Give Advice and How Not to Give Advice
It may seem like someone is asking for advice—and they may think they want advice—but in reality all they want to do is vent or dump...
LinkedIn Reaches IT Decision Makers Better than Anything Else
The following is from an excellent Marketing Profs article by Lenna Garibian that focuses on recent research into the use of social...
Simple Negotiating Tips
It makes sense, right? The person that makes the first offer loses. Not always. In fact, the opposite can be true. Following are 5 things...