A Smarter Approach to Landing Pages for Technology Companies
So you have a ton of traffic going to your (non-ecommerce) website, but almost no one filling out contact forms, engaging in live chat,...
The Best Marketing Strategy is to Master a Few Tools
The best way to leverage marketing tools effectively is to master them. If you’re like every other business, trying to keep up with the...
Why does great online visibility matter?
In all of the marketing noise, a fundamental truth gets lost: you need to be everywhere your buyers are looking. It’s that simple. If you...
Counterintuitive Negotiation Tips that Level the Playing Field
It makes sense, right? The person that makes the first offer loses? Not always. In fact, the opposite can be true. Following are 5...
Marketing Technology through a Global Crisis
Technology companies tend to weather crises better than other sectors. In fact, many technology companies reported their best earnings...
Getting Everyone On Board During a Period of Rapid Change
Most organizations are trying to take advantage of the opportunities for positive change in this REALLY unique business environment. It’s...
Getting Things Done When Everyone’s Gone
There are three times every year when most businesses empty out:: Winter holidays: The week before Thanksgiving, the weeks before and...
How to Be Productive When You’re Working from Home
There are a lot of perks to working from home that, if you’ve been doing it for a while you take for granted, these include taking walk...
How to Choose a Business or Brand Name
Following are some tips (from my own experience) on choosing a name for your new business or product. Generally, the name needs to be:...
Google’s Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)
The moment of truth has traditionally meant the moment a buyer has decided to buy. Google refers to the critical period before that when...