Forming Lasting Relationships with Buyers
Much of this information is based on the marketing theory and research of C. B. Bhattacharya, of Emory University; and Ruth N. Bolton of...
How to Sell with Facts
Because the facts are on your side, you don’t need to spend hours strategizing the best way to sell your products and services. Instead,...
How to Repair Client Relationships
No matter how hard you try, there will always be clients that have legitimate (and not so legitimate) complaints that damage your...
Quick Presentation Tips: The formula for making people listen
What you’re going to read here are presentation tips you’ve probably never seen before. In essence, you’re going to learn the formula for...
Using Public Relations Communications to Position Your Organization for Rapid Growth
Creating and maintaining a polished big company presence for you in the marketplace is the most valuable aspect of public relations. ...
How to Revive a Dead Project
Before you start planning a slew of projects for the year, revisit last year’s duds. A project that appears to be dead may be a prime...
Defining the Real Problem is 90% of the Solution: Get the Formula Down Cold
Albert Einstein said that if he had one hour to solve a problem he would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and only five minutes...
The Fallacy of Supply and Demand
Following are a few more nuggets from Dan Ariely’s excellent book on buying behavior, “Predictably Irrational”: The first price that...
The Principals of Price Comparison and Offering Strategic Decoys
Much of the following from Dan Ariely’s fantastic book, “Predictably Irrational.” Knowing how people price shop—especially when it comes...
Using Push and Pull Marketing Strategies for Your Websites
Let’s take a look at some push and pull marketing strategies you can use to effectively promote your website or business. They are...