5 Things that Make Cold Calling Easier
Following are a few tips for making cold-calling less stressful (in order of effectiveness). 1. Commit to an amount of time, not a...
Is there a magic marketing bullet? No, just a set of effective BBs.
One of the secrets to a successful marketing consultancy is the ability and willingness to pivot on an almost daily basis. This means...
So what is real value of SEO for small tech companies?
The following post and attached graphic are from a 9/13/17 Marketing Profs blog post by Laura Forer titled 13 Statistics That Prove the...
What makes a compelling email for a technology company?
So you have a small technology company and need to make personal connections in order to bring in new business. You are probably using...
What are effective digital marketing trends for small tech companies?
The attached infographic, created by Bubblegum Search, is from a Sept. 1. Marketing Profs post. You probably won’t be able to read it,...
5 Signs that Your Tech Company Needs to Do Something about Marketing
More wisdom from my HBR marketing mentor-5 signs that your organization’s marketing needs some work: Declining sales. No need to...
A Smarter Approach to Landing Pages for Technology Companies
So you have a ton of traffic going to your (non-ecommerce) website, but almost no one filling out contact forms, engaging in live chat,...
What is the most important marketing advice for tech companies?
Answer: The person(s) that are handling your marketing need a thorough knowledge of your particular business in order to deliver value....
What small business owners and marketers need to know about Google penalties.
Google doesn’t hand out penalties lightly, but when it does, it comes as a shock to most business owners/marketers/webmasters—and serves...
Marketing Advice for Small Companies: Counterintuitive Negotiation Tips that Level the Playing Field
It makes sense, right? The person that makes the first offer loses? Not always. In fact, the opposite can be true. Following are 5...