Create a Strong Marketing Foundation
Much of what is in this post is info from Smart PR Communications' new Marketing Kick-Start webpage. The idea is to solve a marketing...
Best Way to Follow up on Email: Marketing for Small Businesses
In most cases, for B2Bs, the number of email click thrus compared to the number of sends is relatively small--generally 3-5%, 8-10% for a...
Marketing Essentials for Small Businesses
The first thing I do when I sit down with a new client is spend several hours going through a very detailed marketing status survey. ...
Weekly Marketing Meetings: Essential for Small Businesses
Regular (preferably weekly)marketing meetings are one of the keys to marketing success. This is especially true for very small businesses...
Analytics: The Importance for Small Businesses
Many people don’t want to deal with analytics, marketers for small businesses in particular. There are a couple reasons for this: 1. ...
Cost-Effective Lead ID for Small Businesses—Part of Our Core Marketing Solution
Lead ID shouldn’t be cost-prohibitive for small businesses—but that’s what most people think. While you can’t afford extremely pricey...
Media Release Marketing for Small Businesses: They Still Work Really Well!
If you are a small business that realizes you desperately need marketing, but are short on funds, media releases will probably be your...
Email Marketing for Small Businesses: List Building 101
Emails are an essential component of every marketing program—no matter how small the business. In fact, they are one of the components...
Blog Post Marketing for Small Businesses
So, blog posts are one of the components of our Core Marketing Solution for Very Small Businesses. They are the most efficient way to...
Cost-Effective Marketing for Small Businesses
In my experience, the top (non-financial) pain point for most small business owners is marketing. There just are no cost-effective...