Long-Tail Search Terms: The Benefits
The difference between common search terms and long-tail search terms is the number of words in the term. Long-tail terms are usually...
What Today’s Technology Buyers Want from You
Much of the following is from an excellent Trust Radius article. TrustRadius, a research and review platform dedicated to technology...
How to Create a Strong Brand
To develop a successful organization---there’s nothing more important than creating a foundation of excellence. This means knowing what...
A Smart Way to Develop Strong Blog Posts
Let’s start with the premise that it takes 1-1/2-2 hours to write a blog post. One of the unspoken difficulties with content creation is...
Email Subject Lines: What Impacts Performance
The following is from an excellent article, along with infographics by Avaz Nanji. GetResponse examined nearly 7 billion emails sent by...
Effective Calls to Action (CTAs)
A call to action (CTA) is what you would like your email recipients to do next. The value propositions in your email may be well...
Marketing KPIs that Need to Be Tracked
The following is based on an excellent blog post and infographic by the Hurree company. In marketing, KPIs (key performance indicators)...
How to Get Things Done When Everyone is on Vacation
There are three times every year when many colleagues are not available: Late July and early August Winter holidays: The week before...
No One Should Ever Have to Read the Same Sentence Twice
Everyone knows what professional quality (and low quality) content looks like when they see it, but it’s a lot harder to create it. Good...
Don't be Afraid of Marketing Metrics
Mention "metrics" to some (even experienced) marketers and the response will be cool at best. There are a lot of reasons that marketers...