The Power of Case Studies Part 2: Choosing the Clients
Right now, you’re probably mentally running through your list of clients trying to figure out which ones to approach. Your criteria for selection is probably limited to who you think would be willing to participate. The good news is nearly all of your clients will be more than happy to help – so don’t use that criterion as a starting point.
Instead, working with your sales team, look through your database for clients who have successfully implemented the offerings you want to promote and who are similar to the clients you want to attract.
Favor big successes over big clients. Instead of choosing big name clients, look for clients who you believe can show measurable and undeniable success.
It’s very unusual for case studies to include company names. However, there is often enough information to identify the company without naming it. For example a case study might begin with, “The world’s leading manufacturer of torsion springs for agricultural equipment…”.
It’s tempting to include the company name, especially if the client agrees and it’s a Fortune 1000 company. But I would advise against it. Case studies do carry some risk of liability and its best to minimize it wherever possible.
Assure clients that they will be able to review and edit before the case study is finalized. Once they’ve approved it, get written permission to distribute it in print and online without limitation in the marketplace. This might involve some negotiation.
If you’re in a business that needs to protect the privacy of its clients, don’t let that stop you from creating case studies. Instead, assure everyone you approach that you will not use the name of the company or its officials, or include any identifying factors. Then promise to let them review and edit.
Stay tuned for Part 3 next week!