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Important B2B Buyer Stats

Here are some really insightful research-based B2B marketing stats from an excellent Growth Strategies 101 article by Emmanuel Soroba

  1. Cold calling has a success rate of only 2.5%. (Source)

  2. 77% of B2B buyers won’t talk to a salesperson until they have done their own research. (Source)

  3. About 20-40% of webinar attendees end up becoming leads. (Source)

  4. Lead nurturing can help generate up to 50% more leads at a 33% lower cost. (Source)

  5. 66% of people say that email nurturing was the best way to re-engage leads. (Source)

  6. Customer testimonials and case studies have been shown to be the most effective content marketing strategy. (Source)

  7. 85% of people trust reviews written by other consumers as much as they trust recommendations from people they know. (Source)

  8. 70% of marketers say that their best-performing emails were sent from a person, not a company. (Source)

  9. Email subject lines that have a sense of urgency and exclusivity get a 22% higher open rate. (Source)

  10. 50% of buyers say that online live chat is the most convenient way to reach a company. (Source)

  11. Using visual content like videos can improve conversions on a website by up to 86%. (Source)

  12. Asking for phone numbers has the worst impact on conversion rates. (Source)

  13. Inbound marketing costs up to 62% less than outbound marketing. (Source)

  14. 57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their blog. (Source)

  15. 87% of B2B buyers have a good impression of a salesperson if they were introduced to them through someone they know. (Source)

Read Emmanuel Soroba’s complete article here


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